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HANkidz | 10 reasons to join us
HANkidz | 10 reasons to join us
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10 reasons to join us

10 Reasons Why You Should be Part of the HANKidz Leadership Preschool Teacher

1. We are constantly saving the world

As a coach and teacher in the school, your role is to develop enlightened leaders through children. You plant the seeds of success in them and thus ensuring them becoming an individual that will make a difference to the world.


2. Our job is to play

The school is the playground itself. Imagine you are working and playing at the same time everyday when you are in the school compound. It’s fun! You may get free hugs from the children every day.


3. Your learning curve is organic here…not linear

We will groom you into a coach and equip you with tools to help a child. Our selection process is very strict and the training is intense but it is all worth it when you make a difference to the child.


4.You are our partner

If you ever dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur, it is time for you to wake up and make that dream come true with us. Our ultimate path is having you as our business partner.


5.Time doesn’t exist

Sometimes we work more than 5 days a week. But we are always and forever the wow moment creators to the children every day.


6. Work life integration not balance

When your colleague is your family and work is fun, you no longer have to balance between the two. Since you are going to spend lots of hours in your life on work, you might as well enjoy what you are doing through work.


7.Work is an adventure

Imagine transforming the life of a child from diverse background and adversity. The work here will bring you different kind of adventure and it is always a new experience every day.


8. We are fun and wacky

Well, we guess the title says it all. Instead of bringing your resume to the interview, please bring your passion, energy and your true self here.


9.You are the creator

Here we provide you the space to create a legacy of your own (once we are sure that you are ready).You have the opportunity to create experiential moments for the children in your lessons every day.


10.You create the meaning here

At the end of the day, the meaning of life is not to be discovered but rather to be created. You DECIDE how your life should be, you CHART your vision and if it is aligned with our vision, we will work hand in hand with you to make your vision come true.

Looking for Career Opportunities? Talk to us.